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I’m not very well. I’ve had some sort of ME/CFS kind of thing since early in 2023, and I’m gradually coming to realise that it’s actually quite bad. I tried for a long time to carry on gigging and recording normally but I’ve had to cancel and turn down more and more work. I’ve still got a couple of things coming up, and I’ll be back to normal eventually. But I can’t say when, for sure, and in the meantime, this is why you haven’t seen me around much recently.

Next gig: March 24, 2025, Cellar Upstairs

With Robin Gillan

“It's one of those albums that just make me go: yes, that's it, that's the truth of it.”

Rowan Rheingans (of Homunculus Mellitus)

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Homunculus MellitusCover of Homunculus MellitusMy solo album Homunculus Mellitus is released. I can sell you a CD if I see you somewhere, but failing that you can still buy it: Download Homunculus Mellitus, or purchase Homunculus Mellitus on CD.

Swedish Fiddle MusicThe cover of Swedish Fiddle MusicMy book of Swedish tunes is finally available once more, and you can own it yourself: order a copy of Swedish Fiddle Music.

The Living TraditionCover of Living Tradition magazine, issue 132This magazine put me on their front cover, and inside there’s an article about me by Vic Smith. You can read the article.