Tune The Shooting Star
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N.B. MIDI is a terrible way to learn a fiddle tune!
This tune is for my wife, Sam Carroll.
© 1992 Ben Paley

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- The Wild Turkey Brothers, "Like This Only Better", 1992
Bing Lyle and Ben Paley, "We Are Melting", 1995
Ben Paley and Tab Hunter, "dolor ipse", 1999
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%%abc-version 2.1
%%abc-copyright (C) Copyright Ben Paley 2025
%%writefields N
%%writefields D
%%measurenb 0
%%partsbox 1
T:The Shooting Star
C:© 1992 Ben Paley
R:Slow reel
D:The Wild Turkey Brothers, "Like This Only Better", 1992
D:Bing Lyle and Ben Paley, "We Are Melting", 1995
D:Ben Paley and Tab Hunter, "dolor ipse", 1999
Z:Ben Paley <ben.paley@benpaley.com>
K:D Mixolydian
B |: cBcd cBAG | Add^c d3e | fdef edcB | ADEF G3B |
cBcd cBAG | ^FGEF DCA,B, | CEGc BGDG, |[1 A,CE^F D3B :|[2 A,CE^F D3F |
EDE^F EFGF | GAGA BAB^c | dA^FA defd | gecB A3B |
c2gc acgc | ^fde^c dAFD | GABG cGBG | A^FEF D3F |
EDE^F EFGF | GAGA BAB^c | dA^FA defd | gecB A3B |
cBcd cBAG | ^FGEF DCA,B, | CEGc BGDG, | A,CE^F D3 |]