Tune Marsch efter Hans Dalfors från Ore
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N.B. MIDI is a terrible way to learn a fiddle tune!
Also known as:
- March from the playing of Hans Dalfors from Ore
In the A part you'll notice that I'm anticipating the first note of bar 7, starting it in bar 6. This is only a suggestion*, of course and, as written, it comes out as quite an extreme syncopation - extreme in the context, at least. You might like to de-emphasise this in your playing, or ignore it completely.
In the third bar of the harmony, I've written both B to D and B to G. I think it sits very nicely like this, providing some movement against the repetition in the melody, but you might like to play one note both times: I offer them as alternatives.
[*this is a joke, because the Swedish word for suggestion, "förslag", has a technical meaning in music to do with anticipating and retarding notes. Do you love puns that have to be explained? I do.]
Trad arr. © 2022 Ben Paley

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- Ola Bäckström and Per Gudmundsson, "Ola & Per", 2001
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%%abc-version 2.1
%%abc-copyright (C) Copyright Ben Paley 2025
%%writefields N
%%writefields D
%%measurenb 0
%%partsbox 1
T:Marsch efter Hans Dalfors från Ore
T:March from the playing of Hans Dalfors from Ore
C:Trad arr. © 2022 Ben Paley
N:In the A part you'll notice that I'm anticipating the first note of bar 7, starting it in bar
N:6. This is only a suggestion*, of course and, as written, it comes out as quite an extreme
N:syncopation - extreme in the context, at least. You might like to de-emphasise this in your
N:playing, or ignore it completely.
N:In the third bar of the harmony, I've written both B to D and B to G. I think it sits very
N:nicely like this, providing some movement against the repetition in the melody, but you might
N:like to play one note both times: I offer them as alternatives.
N:[*this is a joke, because the Swedish word for suggestion, "förslag", has a technical meaning
N:in music to do with anticipating and retarding notes. Do you love puns that have to be
N:explained? I do.]
O:Dalarna, Sweden
D:Ola Bäckström and Per Gudmundsson, "Ola & Per", 2001
Z:Ben Paley <ben.paley@benpaley.com>
V:M clef=treble name="Melody" snm="M"
V:H clef=treble name="Harmony" snm="H"
%%score M|H
[V:M] A2 |: d2fe d2f2 | A3B A2GF | G2AB G2B2 | ABAG FDFA |
[V:H] D2 |: F2AG F2A2 | D3E F2ED | B,2D2 B,2G2 | FGFE DA,DE |
[V:M] d2fe d2f2 | efed e2FG - | GAGF GAB=c |1 A6 A2 :|2 A6 GF |
[V:H] F2AG F2A2 | cdcB c2A,B, - | B,=CB,A, B,DGA |1 F6 D2 :|2 F6 DB, |
[V:M] |: G2g2 g2=fe | d2e=f f2ed | cdef ^gabg | a6 GF |
[V:H] |: G,2_B2 B2AG | =F2Ad d2cB | ABcd efeB | c6 DB, |
[V:M] G2g2 g2=fe | d2e=f f2ed | cdef gbac | d3f efec |1 d6 GF :|2 d6 |]
[V:H] G,2_B2 B2AG | =F2Ad d2cB | ABcd cBAG | F3A GAGE |1 F6 DB, :|2 F6 |]