Tune Gills Brudpolska
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N.B. MIDI is a terrible way to learn a fiddle tune!
I wrote this tune for the wedding of Tab Hunter and Gill Emerson in 2002.
I managed to work around what I thought was a bug in either abcm2ps or abc2midi to do with first and second time bars in harmony parts. Turns out I needed to add %%score M|H at the top of the tune (where I'd labelled the voices "M" and "H").
© 2002 Ben Paley

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%%abc-version 2.1
%%abc-copyright (C) Copyright Ben Paley 2025
%%writefields N
%%writefields D
%%measurenb 0
%%partsbox 1
T:Gills Brudpolska
T:Gill's Wedding Polska
C:© 2002 Ben Paley
N:I wrote this tune for the wedding of Tab Hunter and Gill Emerson in 2002.
N:I managed to work around what I thought was a bug in either abcm2ps or abc2midi to do with
N:first and second time bars in harmony parts. Turns out I needed to add <em>%%score M|H</em> at
N:the top of the tune (where I'd labelled the voices "M" and "H").
Z:Ben Paley <ben.paley@benpaley.com>
K:D Dorian
%%score M|H
A2 d>c A>c | e2 dc A2 | B>G D<^F G>A | B>A A<c (A2 |
A2) d>c A>c | e2 dc A2 | A>F D<E F>G |1 A>F G3^F :|2 A>F G3E |
|: F>G A<c _BA/2G/2 | A>F ED/2C/2 D2 | d>e f<a ga/2g/2 | fe/2d/2 e2 A2 |
f>d e<c d2 | _BA/2G/2 A>F E2 | A>F D<E F>G | A<F G4 :|
D2 A>^F D>^F | A2 G^F (D2 | D)>C B,<A, (B,2 | B,)>A, B,<C (D2 |
D2) ^F>E D>^F | A2 G^F (D2 | D)>C A,<G, A,>B, |1 C<D B,3(A, :|2 C<D B,4 |
|: D>E F<A G>E | F>D ED/2C/2 A,2 | F>G A<c (d2 | d)>B ^c2 A2 |
d>A _B<G A2 | D>F A>F E2 | D>C A,2 A,>B, | C<D B,4 :|